Why should we believe that Osama bin Laden is dead? Where is the dead body? Is this announcement not just political capital for Barack Obama? There is more to it than we, normal human beings, are allowed to know! That is for sure!
It is difficult to believe on the USA intelligence after the Iraq war. Where are the weapons of mass destruction that CIA was so sure about? They were never found! So, now, regarding the case of Osama bin Laden, where is the dead body? Why was the body not given to his rich family? There is a great chance that he could be bared in some Muslim country! Why not?
The logical situation is: the dead body of the enemy serves like a trophy to the “winner”! The same happened to Che Guevara (see picture)! His body was exhibited and photographed many times!
What about Guantanamo bay prison? All those people without a fair trail? Was not Barack Obama who said that he would look into it after elections? Last week there were some articles in the international press about the huge number of not guilt prisoners who were kept for many years in Guantanamo!
Also, why not to talk about the terrible situation of the American economy? Was not Barack Obama who would put the country back on track of growing? What did happen? More wars and more spending!
Obama seemed a nice alternative in the election, or the only one, but he has proven to be just like any other politician. As a good politician he just thinks about four more years!!!
My point is: Can we trust the CIA??? And why??? They have failed so many times!!! Can the world trust Obama???
As I left the elevator I met two workers: a genitor and a building guard. Their conversation call my attention. It was about Bin Laden and his death. I came in just as they were saying that he would now be some were in a nice place watching the news and laughing. I asked them directly “you don´t believe Bin Laden is dead?” “No, I don´t”, the lady affirmed. “Where is the body?” went on the guard.
I wrote about it: http://glowbrazil.posterous.com/bin-laden-conspiracy-theories
I believe Osama is dead but I don't believe he has been killed ten years after the attacks. I don't even believe he was behind the world trade center terrorist attack. How can Osama with so little technology plan a huge attack like that and USA with all they can do and all the money, etc take 10 years to find and kill him? It's unbelievable but we don't question anything, we just take everything the media tells us. Where are the logical proofs that he was behind 9/11? Everything is so messy that they can't keep a theory for very long. Osama was hiding behind his wife, then he wasn't, then his wife was shot, then it wasn't her, it was his son, then he was dropped in the ocean, then they released that photoshoped pictured then they were trying to be respectful by not letting anyone see the horrible images. I mean, come on, we are smarter than that, they are not that very good at lying. Let's open our eyes poeple! The world is not exactly the way they told us.
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