Friday, 18 July 2014


Why the USA government does not make Israel stop invading Gaza? We know that many civilians in Gaza are being killed every day!!! What is the secret agreement between USA and Israel that we do not know?

Where were the mass destruction weapons from Iraq? They were never found? And why the USA government does not want to get involved with the internal conflicts in Iraq? I remember that USA invaded Iraq without approval from United Nations...

Why Barak Obama made as campaign promise that he would close Guantamo Bay prison? What did happen? Why did he change his mind?

Now they are clearly get involved with Ukraine conflict just to annoy the Russians...

What the “leadership” from USA over the rest of the world has brought? The answer is: war, war, war and war, so they can sell more weapons.

Just remember that the group that exploded the WTC was once financed by the USA... Osama Bin Laden was once “friend” with the USA government.

Can we trust the USA government? Of course not!!!


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