Sunday, 24 November 2019

Turmoil in Latin America - 2019.

What is happening in Latin America? All these protests?

Clearly we can see that Latin Americans are wanting radical changes. But at what cost?

Would this turn to the Righ be the solution? The answer is no!

Clearly people are fed up with corrupt politicians who only think about their personal interests and those of their families. Once they come into power, they no longer want to leave it. Political Power is intoxicating!

People are tired of politicians taking advantage of the State and the people! And people are not getting anything in return! Schools do not improve, transport does not improve, living conditions do not improve ... Anyway, people's lives do not improve!!!

There is a popular desperation for a better life without being expolated and abused by politicians.

Even more, neoliberalism is a breeding ground for these unscrupulous politicians... That's why these politician want so much to install neoliberalism in every corner of every Latin American country...