Wednesday, 30 April 2014

The British Empire does not exist anymore!!!

When (in 2011) Brazil overtook UK as the sixth-largest economy in the world, the Brits were furious! “How can a South-American country overtake UK's economically?” many were asking. In this expression “South-American country” we could feel lots of bad feelings and prejudices. Anyhow, since then the UK media have been showing only the bad side of Brazil.

To be very honest, and as a Brazilian myself, people in Brazil do not really care about what the Brits say regarding us. As long as they are not in Brazil talking badly about Brazil, it does not bother us. We continue to grow and be happy, even in the favelas!

This situation only shows one thing: nowadays Europe (and UK as an example) lost its way in the world scenario and it is without clear solution to the serious economic problems.

In the past these problems would be resolved by taking from the colonies, but today the ex-colonies are getting economically more important in the world scenario and are the ones who give the cards in the world game.

The created traditions of Europe (like producing that specific cheese in that specific town by that specific family) are destined to end. There is a clear absence of creativity and a lack of improvisation in European cultures, something that does not exist in the developing nations. These invented European traditions do not have justifications to exist anymore and they can not survive with public subsidies. The economic inactivity and the peoples` reluctance for changes are problems that the Europeans need to face seriously.

The so famous welfare state proves that it is in need of reformulation as the European states do not have enough money to sustain it for very long! The percentage of public debts by GDP of the industrialized economies is huge! The economic growth of European countries is small, if not negative. How are they going to pay for such welfare in the coming years?

Also, China and Brazil (or other developing country) hosted or are going to host big world events. The constructions to these events follow a Chinese or Brazilian pace. This pace can be understood as: in the beginning we use some people to show that we are working on the constructions and when the period for completion is ending we put 25.000 people to work. End result: the constructions are ready on time!

This way of thinking about time is different from Western Europeans. Europeans deal on the level of infrastructure, while Chinese and Brazilians deal on the level of superstructure.

But the problems persists: There are no colonies anymore to take the money (or valuable goods) from. By the way: The British Empire does not exist anymore!!!
